Vedanta Foundation-Computer and Tailoring Program

Vedanta Foundation - Computer and Tailoring Program






Ramakrishna Vidya Mandir (CBSE), Ramakrishna Puri, Thatipur, Gwalior

Vedanta Foundation - Computer and Tailoring Program

Computer Program - The objective of the vocational training centre is to enable individuals nationwide to achieve greater success by providing required basic computer knowledge & skills making them employable in the mainstream. The centres have been setup with the larger objective of developing employable skills especially among the marginalized population through vocational training essentially on basic computer skills. We have also weaved in the soft skills training in our computer course curriculum to enhance the employability quotient of our students.


Tailoring Program - Vedanta Foundation through its project Vedanta Sakhi aims to facilitate the critical concern of livelihood among the deprived women population in the country.

Nation wide network of centres extends support to the livelihood skill seeking women. The objective of these centres is to empower the women population especially from the deprived backgrounds with effective professional skills leading to appropriate livelihood opportunities.